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Jurassic Quest


AIAA Propulsion and Energy Forum

AIAA Propulsion and Energy Forum

The AIAA Propulsion and Energy Forum (AIAA Propulsion and Energy Forum) integrates the Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit (JPC) with the International Energy Conversion Engineering Conference (IECEC) into an annual event that brings together technologists, developers, operators, program managers, chief engineers, and policy makers to address aerospace propulsion and energy issues and challenges.

Both JPC and IECEC have a long history and started as intersociety conferences. JPC has been supported by ASME, SAE, and ASEE technical committees. IECEC’s predecessor conference started in 1965 and was supported by AIAA, technical committees of ASME, IEEE, SAE International, AIChE, and the American Nuclear Society. AIAA became the sole organizer of IECEC in 2003. In 2009, AIAA started co-locating JPC and IECEC to leverage the synergies within propulsion and energy systems.

Dates and Times

Monday, Jul. 9

Tuesday, Jul. 10

Wednesday, Jul. 11

Thursday, Jul. 12